i`ve done a stupid mistake 
i supposed not to tell but..
i`m gonna make this blog PRIVATE
apologize me.

Label: tatty
CAUTERIZE - Shooting Stars
I know it's been a long time.
You've lost that look in your eye.
The one that told me everything was fine without a word.
But now we're standing face to face,
with nothing left to say but goodbye to yesterday.
I don't know if I can make it.
I don't know if I'm that strong.
I don't know where we went wrong but somehow it's over.
In my mind I see you clearly.
In my dreams I feel you near me.
I want to know, does this feeling go away?
Like shooting stars we shine and then we fade,
breaking the promises we made.
What about the promises?
What about the promises we made?
What about our plans for forever?
Did they scare you?
Did you need to get away?
You taught me many things.
Like how it feels to miss someone so bad
it feels like a part of you is missing.
I can tell you one thing.
Now that you have gone I never will forget you.
You left your mark.
When I have gone and you've moved on will you remember me?
at last. . .
we promise to each other that
we`ll make it better than it ever was..
& yes,my BEST-FRIEND
is going to be BOY-FRIEND
after my GRADUATION.

Label: song lyric, tatty
uhh~hate him.
screaming & shouting in the phone is our daily routine. . .
like it happen everyday =(
i just can`t stand it,seriously.
i know we`re loving each other
but still it`s not enough..
idk,why when we want to have a
it turn out with something like this.

Label: emo, tatty
busy busy!
next week is the last week of the school..
we`re still learning as usual..
& the day before
what even worst when we have assessment..
FYI, i feel so lazy to do my revision =/
my teacher zam zam also give us
hwks during hoidaay..
"like it`s my first time to receive a homeworks for december.."
same goes with my english class =/
i`ve some project given by miss pauline..
& thanks god i`m with akhbar & ayun..
hoping we can be a good teamwork (x
lastly business study,
we`re given some research
& due is on this mondaay..
quite busy..
Label: study
taylor swift song (x
None of us thought it was gonna end that way
And we know it's never simple, never easy
You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand
And I can't breathe Without you,
but I have to Breathe Without you.
But I'd rather
you be mean than love and lie
I'd rather
hear the truth and have to say goodbye
But baby
Don't you break my heart slow
And I'm tired of being last to know
And now you're asking me to listen
You used to shine so bright
But I watched all of it fade
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
You're not sorry
Label: song lyric
end of the love story.
i`m hurt again & again,are you happy?
what i`ve done?
you liers!
what you mean by that?
darn you!! why giving hope & make me fall with no attention to catch me.
baby,what happen until make u think that way?
don`t call me baby.. i hate youuu!
nooo..there`s must be something unsettle here.. tell me slowly .. don`t let ur emotional feeling control you..your attitude now making her success in tearing us apart.
okay should i just pretend that i`m blind,deaf & stupid with what she told & email me. those pictures is suck it really was..
i`m not that should put your trust me on me..okaay?
I Love Youuu..
love? what`s the point of saying I love you after hurting me… I prefer you just kill me rather than punished me like this..
don`t said like that.. i can explain everything..
i guess i don`t need any explanation.. i think it`s better we`re until here cuz i`m sick with you!you are so endearing..& it`s killing me!!stop it!!
past is past,
friend is friend.

Label: emo, love
i`m single.. then so what?
omg..he forgive me..
your mail make me
more guilty!
it remind me the moment
when they dislike me
you stubbornly ignore it..
i thought everything was
even our world is
totally different..
but after all..
i just cant fits you..
baby,we need to talk.. what do you mean?something has come up..what?what`s wrong?i don`t want to hurt you babe..omg i hope he does`nt break up with me..i love him so much.. *think*are you there?yeah..i`m here what is so important?i`m not sure if i should say..well~you already brought it up,so please please tell me..i`m leaving..what are you talking?i don`t want you too leave me..i love you..not like that,i mean moving far away..why your family lives over here..well~my father sending me boarding school far away with my cousin..i can`t belive this.. i don`t want you to go..would you run away with me?baby,you know i will do anything for you..but i can` don`t know what would happen if i dad will kill`s okaaay i understand i guess *sad*i can`t believe what`s going on *thinking*i need you to give something tonight i`m leaving on flight in the morning so i need to see you..okaay i will sneak out & meet you in the park..we will meet there`s in 20 mins..
they meet at nearby park..
they both hug each other & he gives her a notes..
begins to cry *tears*baby,don`t cry you know i love you but i have to go.. i don`t how to show my sincere apology..
i`m not so good in that..
mimpi manis yee?
Label: teddy
stupid stupid.
at almost 4 am.. i awake and that STUPID NIGHTMARE should be blame for this falling tears..i dream about something that i supposed to FORGET.. is`nt that stupid? damn!i don`t know why stupidity always in my could it be happen? i`m not thinking to much about him.. i`m not even remember him before i`m off to sleep.. goshhhh~what my mistake?until the scars that he made in my heart still bleeding? does he cursing me? hell no..he`s not that type of person..
*take a deep breath & try to sleep with the tears*
Label: emo, exx-love

my life now
is getting stressful
with a tonne of homeworks
which never done..
& my notes such a mess..
like everyday
i plan want to go home early..
SCHOOL is getting BORED!
be patient,yeah?
after a month we all
are going to have
an holiday!
so relaax!!
just appreciate it!
wana fix everything..
& forget about this
fucking shit!

& mum,

if i can..
i want to swim in ur heart
so i know how does it feel.
maybe i don`t understand why
it`s so dificult for you..
but i can be there to cheers
you up..
wish me to be chose tomorrow..
to join the visit to K.K..
they ignored each other
& look the other way
but they both know..
it`s not supposed to end
this waaay.. 
Label: emo, study