i just arrived home a few minutes ago..

FYI,PTE M student are suppose to be home at 12.30
but just because of my stomach is indeed pain
i am at home early a hour than usual.
& i missed 2 classes.
i got gastric!!
feeling HALF ALIVE D=
last night, i am not in the mood to had my sahur..
i fought again,with him..
idk,what is our actual relation..
but for me he`s just another brother..
too caring & too loving..
& today our war begin again..
ted,i`m tired with this..
it`s all happen cuz of the foolish me..
but you..
too disappointing..
just go awaaaaaay from my mind!
don`t bother me!

Label: teddy.
glory for man.u!!

just now,
i`m watching
Manchester United vs Arsenal..
& FYI,
it`s WORTH!!
man.u won (:
owen was not there plaay-ing!
there are still the winner (;
what can i said?
my shoe for this coming Aidilfitri
is already coming (;
even the colour is not the same
with what i had seen before in
the catalog but still it`s
look BEAUTIFUL in my eyes..
& also
THANKS to my second eldest sister..
for give me her shoe..
this happen cuz our feet size
is just the same..
the best thing about it is..
the shoess that she gave is still new.
1 of it never been used,
while the 2 shoess,
she`s just wore it once..
for me!! (;
ehh kaamuu,
Manchester United manang!

Label: aidilfitri, man.u
ohhh so tired.
today is so tiring!
i`m ouut to kb around 12.
to participate my cousin`s weeding.
i had met the old of friend of mine.
he used to study at smsab.
but now maybe at smlk.
after that,
we off to wa huo & jolibee.
we went home at 7.
i think that`s all for todaaay.
want to have my sleep.
wish me to have a sweet dream,
no more nightmare.
i had change my song..
i always listen to this song
before i`m off to bed.
i think i had this kind of habits
since 2 months or 3 months ago.
Bintang Di Surga - Peterpan
Masih ku merasa angkuh
Terbang kenanganku jauh
Langit kan menangkapku
Walau kan terjatuh
Dan bila semua tercipta
Hanya untukku merasakan
Semua yang tercipta
Hampa hidup terasa
Lelah tatapku mencari
Arti untukku membagi
Menemani langkahku
Namun tak berarti
Oh bintang di surga
Berikan cerita
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata
Oh bintang di surga
Berikan cerita
Dan kasih yang setia
Dan cahaya nyata
Oh bintang di surga...Sheila On7 - Tunjuk Satu Bintang
Coba kau tunjuk satu bintang
Sebagai pedoman langkah kita
Jabat erat hasil karyaku
Hingga terbias warna syahdu
Akan ku ukir
Satu kisah tentang kita
Di mana baik dan buruk
Terangkum oleh indah
Akan kucerna
Semua karya cipta kita
Di mana hitam dan putih
Terbalut hangatnya cinta
Dan bila semua terwujudkan oh...
Di sisimu selalu harikuDrive - Bersama Bintang
Senja kini berganti malam
Menutup hari yg lelah
Dimanakah engkau berada
Aku tak tahu dimana
Pernah kita lalui semua
Jerit, tangis, canda, tawa
Kini hanya untaian kata
Hanya itulah yg aku punya
Tidurlah selamat malam
Lupakan sajalah aku
Mimpilah dalam tidurmu
Bersama bintang
Sesungguhnya aku tak bisa
Jalani waktu tanpamu
Perpisahan bukanlah duka
Meski harus menyisakan luka

Label: out, song lyric
moody! D=
i had lost it!
i start to notice this from yesterday..
in my business study period,
which was my 1st class on that day..
tutor roslin:sapa ada duit damit $5-$5?
then i checked my bag to take out my wallet,
but it was`nt there.
so i tried to think positive..
by make my own suggestion
that i forgot to bring it.
at home,
it cud`nt find it!!!
as what i remember,
the day before it`s still with me..
even after i went home from the school,
i still remember that..
then now?
where the hell is it?
my wallet will return,right?
AMIN!!another story.........................................at the school,
while i was waiting for daddy
to fetch me around 4pm.
there was a girl waiting too..
then her fone rang!
``I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside it was a rush, what a rush
Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way
About me, just too much, just too much
Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it really just another crush?
Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?
Cause I've tried and tried to walk away
But I know this crush ain?t going away-ay-ay
Going away-ay-ay
Are we just friends? Is there more? Is there more?
See it's a chance we've gotta take
Cause I believe that we can make this into
Something that will last, last forever, forever!``
listen to this song,
it`s a OUCH for me..
flashback when,
he tried to conquer my heart,
i used to think that he just my another crush.
flashback when,
after he called me for the 1st time,
i had accept him as the boyfriend of mine.
everything is a RUSH...
just for a second,
i felt so weepy..
& asked myself..
``why?what is this?is it worth``
thank god,
i can hold my tear.
for me,
sometimes it`s better to be ignorant...
idk why today i become too sensitive
if something involve about him.
maybe after knowing that
he`s been HURT by that girl?
hopefully,it`s not TRUE.
i wish you every happiness.
Label: emo
my crushie.
i wana share about someone here.
his name start with a leter A
then the next words start with a letter M.

many ppl call him with the name start
with the letter M.
guess who?
i like him..
he is so clever..
he is too polite..
he is too talented..
he is good-looking..
he is so cute to the max..
he is..
what else?
bluuuuur saya ehh.
the point is he can caught my attention..
i seldom to have a conversation with him.
we always just says hello to each other.
i never flirt him or even tried.
euuuw~ no waaay!
i`m not going to try that.
in my suggestion,
he don`t have any interest in a girl..
don`t get wrong by think that he`s a GAY.
no~it`s not that..
i think he want to more focus in his study..
or he is taken
my opinion was proof WRONG.
i`m the one you mentioned about..
i`m not so good in making a confession..
futhermore,my feeling..
it will erase day by day..
& hell yeah ofcourse,
i never forget my deal with ezaa!
SINGLE until graduate \\=
if i fall are he willing to catch me?
i just scared he did not..

Label: crushie (;