getting better? i think so~
playing with my names ;D
W - can be funny and dumb at times
A - crazy
J - is very sexual
I - is really sweet & romantic
H - stick to one
A - crazy
H - stick to one
my opinion..
funny & dumb?
yeaah~ if i hang out with WAN BFF i tend to be a joker(;
it always happen,especially a moment with GAE`ss cuz` we love stupid,silly & crazy things.
very sexual?
whooopsy~ i have no idea about this!
really sweet & romantic?
idk~ do you mean by giving chocolate, card & whatsoever? i think yeaah i did so.
stick to one?
i might easily have a crush but i try to be the one!

i WANT this i-phone plessssh! i wish tho have it! OMG~it`s totally the perfection of my taste!
today i just found out that anaa~ my buddy is going to have her recruit on this coming 14th june adik`s birthday (; THANK GOD! make it BRIGHT babe & remember GAE`s promish bright as a ★ shines!
& 1 more thing don`t mention about barcelona infront of me or get hell out of here! ahahaa~ don`t be serious it just mean to be a joke! it`s lame baah when i remember sukri sing me a song about man.u got defeated! 
Label: fb, gae`s, man.u
blow me the happiness~ can you?
goshhh~why punishing me like this? =`c
ziee,i think it`s enough until here i don`t want to continue to the next step as what we had planned just be FRIEND!
hmm you are just the same! your promise just leave as an empty words, so why i should i stay when you even hard to trust me?moreover, i hate you for being that way i know who am i & ask your mum to hands off from my life. FAREWELL!
hmm what else?
gave me a love letter! d;
so here it goes..
tertariklah kepada seseorang yang dapat membuat mu tersenyum, kerana hanya kegembiraan yang dapat membuat hari-hari yang gelap menjadi cerah & jika seseorang yang amat istimewa dalam hidup kamu telah pergi janganlah terlalu bersedih terimalah kenyataan sekurang-kurangnya dia pernah membahagiakan kamu.
p/s:thanks babe & see you on this friday (;
tommorow`s thursday? lalala~ at last my tuition class was over!
i feel like want to go somewhere that can make me calm & release this tension! hmm school is tiring~ i start to feel bored with it =/ uhh take a deep breath & remember my ambition is to graduate with a better result right? so make it right~ for mami & abah i will do it (;
does he ever think of me? =/ stupid thought. my life move on, you will stay in my heart until time make me forget you! wish him every happiness & i wish you are still mine~
& also cannot wait THE FINAL of UEFA!

Label: exx-love, gae`s
hmm~ thinking!
i saw him today!

yeaah as i thought this tears will fall again it`s really hurt me when i saw him it`s been a long time~ raa i stupidly mish you, i mish you so much =`c & the most hurt was he`s not mine anymore..hope time will make me forget him? uhh honestly i jush can`t let go of him! booodoooh ee~ it`s hard & hurt! =/
hmm alots of homework to do! i`m off now (;
errr i forgot something~
hmm i also meet ainy (; & GAE`ss!

is like a SISTER, we may ARGUE & FUSS a lot but NO MATTER what happens we`re alwesh going to be STUCK with each other (:
& Teacher Mawarni =D
THANKSS for the ferrero rochere (;
p/s:ziee!!!if kan kelahi with teddy baah cari pasal taah!
Label: exx-love, gae`s
a new life start to began (;
i want to start a new life without rara! (;
& i really-really mean it~ him? a piece of a memory of my life that i should erase~ yeaah i wish i can do that however it`s HARD wish me to SUCCES~ the more harder i tried to convinced myself that he`s not the one for me~ the more i want him back to hold me!
just want to recall back.
him a guy who approach me, try to make me fall until i had a crush with him & as i remember our relation was in the rush it`s suddenly happen after he called me~ day by day i love him more but sometimes my feeling was ups & down so cuz` of that i alwesh wana broke up with him~ & he always waited for me but not today!

you used to wait for me when i tried to say goodbye even it happen more than once =`c
but now i just can`t wait for you~ i can`t do it! yeaah many ppl tried to convinced me if you are my destiny you will return for me but however i can`t believed that~ uhhhh~ i just sick of waiting & the way he text me the day before? make me believe he will not return & he just want to take revenge over me!i wish that girl will make you happy! yeaaah i hope so! =`c
raraa; so i will FORGET you & try to NEVER TURN BACK!
Label: exx-love
i`m done until here sweethurt.
crying alone.
last morning i told him that i be waiting for him~is this the best way?will he return back?am i going to happy with this?
idk~but now?i`m not that strong =`c tearss keep falling down!
WAITING is painful, FORGETTING is painful but not KNOWING which one to do is the worst kind of SUFFERING~
i want to wait but waiting? the most stuff that i really-really hate! & i don`t want to disturb his relationship~ what if i`m in that girl situation? how i feel? uhhh~ plus i can`t stand if i remember he`s other girl`s boyfriend ;( bullshit! & both of them study in the same school!& while us? we are seldom to meet~am i going to success to make him return?
uhhh now i`m the one who struggle waiting for him~
should i.. pick to forget him? life goes on right? but.. raaraa alwesh used to wait for me when i said goodbye he can do it~ why not me? yeaaah i try to be in his shoes~ tapi the situation it`s not the same when i said my feeling is down i didn`t find anothers tapi ea? goshhhh~ should i forget him? whiness~
uhhh~ i don`t know!but the point is i want him baack! ouchieee =`c poor me!uhh if i said i want, i will try my best to have it no matter whaat!yeaah i will keep trying like what he did before & i will try to make it worth!
Label: emo
sweethurt,i DESERVED this!
todaay`s the most hurt daay );
i wish the news that i heard is not true but today i found it by myself~ yeaah it is true~ he already have anothers~ & deaar so sorry i used your email without your permission~uhh i`m too stupid!there`s a lot of mistakes that i`ve done until it end up like this!i still remember when he told me his feeling was gone =`c even he try but it`s become less, less & less~ hmm there`s no meaning if we`re still together when you already felt that way plus you already have her! perhaps she will make you happy~
seriously this pain is more hurt than i ever felt before but i deserved it~
& yesterday i`m so sorry for rejected your call~ i jush angry cuz` i felt like you are trying to take revenge over what i`ve mess up in all the way of our relation that`s why~
but if you truly wana take revenge over me~ yeaah! you already did sweethurt ;(
i cried a lotss todaay & now i still wana cry! i not that stronger =`c anymore since i knew his heart is not for me anymore! uhh stupid me~if i know this gonna end up like this i won`t accept you from the beginning~ so i won`t make any carved in you hurt & this hurtful carved won`t never exist in my heart~ however, is already happen so jush let it go! this is just some lesson that i should learn~
goodbye sweethurt );
& i also do some crazy stuff & it`s a bit funny! i jush curios bah~ but it`s better cuz` it can reduce my headache~heyaa! sorry for being a disturber but i promish it will be the first & the last (;
anywaay ;; brokenhurt is the best diet ahaha (;
Label: exx-love
the ending.
i can`t sleep =/
baabi~ it`s hurt me alots & i know i deserved all of this!there`s no one to blame accept me!
putraa te quiero! =`c
hope tommorow when i woke up i be fine!i wana make new life without him~maybe it`s kinda hard! yeaah i try as hard as i can to forget him!
i just need some time~ time will make me forget about him but time that passes will make me miss him more~ uhh no matter what he will always have a place in my hart!i jush don`t wana cry any tear for him! that`s all~ i sick of it!
i never regret with what happened cuz` at same point everything is meant to be!
just stay strong & keep on smile-ing it`s going to be alright!
Label: emo
it`s suck & complicaated!
what a bored night~
tonight i`m watching af alone~uhh feel so lonely~i wisssh aril win the first trophy!
& me?
a pampered girl who love to make alotss of trouble =/
even that person just want to give suggestion in a polite way~however my responsed was unpleasant~ziee i know you might read this~i just not in the good mood in that moment when you told me that news!it`s suck!it`s really does!i won`t forget you also said so~ so i hope you understand why i being rude~
so i herby asking an apology from you & pleshh don`t make any worst!
uhhh my life`s getting messy & messy & messy!
& putraa~
at the first when we united back everything is alright but now? idk~ to me he`s a bit change! maybe cuz` of i always wana break up~so now i`m the forgotten~ i deserved this right? yeaaah i think so~ maybe it`s KARMA!
still think what`s best for me & ezaa` told me to do what in my mind~ when i try to find the solution it`s stuck since he did not contact me so let it be this waay~uhh putraa te quiero~ =`c
i won`t cry right? yeaah ofcourse not just keep smiling!
hope tomorrow`s picnic at pantai muara will make me more relieved & forget this hurtful thingss~
Label: emo
praaaay for me! okaay? (;
hello! (;
i`m busy~ to many things to do =/ so it`s hard for me to active in this blog.
i don`t lie! it`s TRUE!
hmm i jush done doing my business study & geography`s corrections then my next task is revise for my 3rd geography assessment~ i guess it`s the last one before parent`s meet so i wanaaa have a high mark for survive~
since my assessment is tougher i wanaa you guyss wish for me to have a better grade in every assessment that i had take~
err the point i want to post for todaay are this:
13th may 2009 is NADSS birthday (;

p/s:naadss,err cute kan gambar muu ar d; kuu ambil dari fs actually kuu kan ambil gambar yg macm emy tapi.. ko insaf dah waa d; ahaaahaa
guyss you know what?she`s still 16 years old~ i`m impressed with her cuz` in my age at 16 i still at form 4~ but she`s now study at pte as a lower 6~
i wish her to meet a perfect guy 1 day & also success in her carrier (;
ezaa` my best buddy!
she`s not in a good condition right now~ yesterday she went to hospital by ambulaans =/ uhhh i really-really hope it`s not worst than what i`ve got in my mind~
& she told me that she felt cold last night & her hart`s sick err or maybe hard to breath? i guess so~i`m not really sure =s
so you guyss out there will you accompany me to pray for her to get well soon~
pleshh don`t make me feel alone pray for her~
okaay? (;
Gladiolus Arcane Exotic Syzters?
..small finger UP,,it`s forever & ever babe!...
``don`t like?
i don`t wana know!
i don`t wana care!``
get me?
``talk to the hand!`` said anaa~
while ezaa`?
Label: study
arghh! messy me~
argghhh! my blog? such a mess! my chatbox is missing~ my mixipod is missing & my link is also missing~i will try to fix it later~ cuz this week i`m going to have assessment so i have no leisure time to do this stuff!
uhhhh~ i have no mood! seriously i felt uupppssseet! hmm i alwesh think negative! so pleshh dear prove me wrong~
uhhh i don`t want to get my hope up & watch them fall every time!
sorry to say i`m QUITE BUSY right now! so this blog are not that active anymore!
& pray me to have a better result okaay then daaa~ wanaa off!
"Label: love, study