1st day of holiday.
hmm~ whines!
actually today i feel so emo!

i think it`s been a week i don`t remember him but todaay..
i heard something bad about him,it`s really-really bad!
i just don`t want to share that story within my siblings.
then GAE`ss? uhh ezaa`
nowadays she difficult to get online.
while tatty~
i`m so sorry for being rude,
i don`t want to mentioned his name as your wish
& thanks for your warmth cheers.
but still..i don`t say yes.
to make me forget that thing i try to make myself busy by changing my blog skin.
it have a new look now.
see? there`s a lots of pink fallen star. suka kuu!
* big smile!

todaay it`s 14 june `09,
my very truly closest sister birthday!

she`s one of important

cuz she is my witness,who sees me at my worst & best! she is my partner in crime,my best companion, someone who knows when i fake a smile,a listener,conspirator,a counselor,a sharer of delights & sorrows too. she is also my teacher,she teach me about fairness,cooperation,kindness & caring.
she`s almost my twin!

have a blaast dear even mamiabah is not here =c
honestly, i feel envy with her.
she look really happy with her day ;D
& i wonder am i going to be happy during my birthday party?
idk yet, i hope on that day i will happy in the fullest.
next,i`m going to tell about our last day of school.
12th june `09.
it`s cross-country event for PTE M.
the result:
i satisfied with this cuz indera mahkota is still the winner!
our photo is published in borneo buletin in today date err i think it`s in the 1st page or the last 1, just have a look.
this is the reason why my leg is injured now.
jalan pun macam apaa \\=
it`s WORTH plaang!
cuz i got medal, as the 11th.
* thumps up!

but i start to feel KCARIAN kan mami D=
paa~ nda urang kan dikusut & diinggul.
my fone is BROKEN DOWN!
ohh pampered me! \\=

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